“Another Brick in my Castle” – Why I Turn Crazy Situations into Learning Experiences

People can be unpredictable, and its their unpredictability that can make certain situations scary. It was 2am on a Saturday night, so my friend and I were out on another “street adventure” in Ottawa’s popular night life spot, “the market”. We came across a large group of country boys and unfortunately for us…they weren’t very friendly. […]

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The Inconvenient Truth: Nobody Gives a Shit About You (And That’s Okay!)

For someone who promotes positive thinking, this may sound a tad cynical. Narcissism is generally perceived as a negative characteristic, but my experience with becoming more narcissistic has brought me more good than bad. I’ve taught myself how to say no, how to love my self, and how to put myself first. I’m learning how to value my […]

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The Martian – Consistently Focus on Your Circle of Influence to Be in a “Hyper-Proactive” State!

No Spoilers! Ridley Scott’s The Martian is a light-hearted science fiction movie set in Mars, with Matt Damon taking the lead role. Based on the book by Andy Weir, Astronaut Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) is presumed dead after a manned mission to Mars goes haywire. Watney survives and finds himself stranded alone on Mars. […]

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Revisiting The Evolution of Man’s Primal Instincts – Why I’m Excited for Far Cry Primal!

When I heard rumours of a new Far Cry game, I wasn’t particularly excited for another open-world first person shooter. I’m familiar with the series’s style, and although I’ve learned to appreciate a good game when I see one, Far Cry’s reliance on guns and explosions for entertainment with no meaningful story meant that the […]

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