Kill Them All – How to Put an End to Your Old Self-Destructive Habits!

Ever since I broke up with my girlfriend, I’ve noticed that I’ve gone back to some old and bad habits. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I gave up on life and am now sitting around all day eating Cheetos and watching Netflix. No, I still work out, eat healthy food, and create content […]

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The Martian – Consistently Focus on Your Circle of Influence to Be in a “Hyper-Proactive” State!

No Spoilers! Ridley Scott’s The Martian is a light-hearted science fiction movie set in Mars, with Matt Damon taking the lead role. Based on the book by Andy Weir, Astronaut Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) is presumed dead after a manned mission to Mars goes haywire. Watney survives and finds himself stranded alone on Mars. […]

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Micro-Procrastination – This is How You’re Wasting Your Time (Without Even Realizing It)

The concept of Micro-Procrastination is fairly new among millennials. We’ve heard many times that millennials have shorter attention spans. Procrastination is defined as “the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones.” As we’ve moved into a faster and more connected world, what we do now to procrastinate has evolved into […]

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