The Martian – Consistently Focus on Your Circle of Influence to Be in a “Hyper-Proactive” State!

No Spoilers! Ridley Scott’s The MartianĀ is a light-hearted science fiction movie set in Mars, with Matt Damon taking the lead role. Based on the book by Andy Weir, Astronaut Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) is presumed dead after a manned mission to Mars goes haywire. Watney survives and finds himself stranded alone on Mars. […]

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Stop Wasting Your Free time!

“It is in the improvident use of our leisure, I suspect, that the greatest wastes of American life occur.” – Robert Park Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience is a book by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (ranking as the #1 most complicated name on Earth) that discusses how we can discover true happiness and greatly improve the […]

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