“Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It”

Challenging. Intellectual. Nuanced. These are 3 words that don’t describe “Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation”. Having recently watched its latest iteration, I want to talk about how the movie meets expectations and provides nothing more than an entertaining ride, instead of a challenging and thoughtful experience. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation stars Tom Cruise in a mindless […]

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Interstellar – Coop, is that you?

Warning: some spoilers follow… Chris Nolan’s “Interstellar” takes you on a trip. It’s a journey. It’s art. It’s beautiful. It’s satisfying. It’s emotional. It’s a lot of really beautiful things/words all blended in a 400 million dollar blender with 64 ounces of Swedish gold. After witnessing the marvel that is Interstellar, I read a review […]

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