The Ultimate Time Management Technique – Split Your Time into CHUNKS!

I originally made a video about a time management technique of splitting your time into chunks. I want to elaborate on what was said, and add in a 5th Chunk that wasn’t mentioned in the video. There are countless resources out there that discuss the topic of “Time Management”. One of the key things I’ve learned in […]

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The Inconvenient Truth: Nobody Gives a Shit About You (And That’s Okay!)

For someone who promotes positive thinking, this may sound a tad cynical. Narcissism is generally perceived as a negative characteristic, but my experience with becoming more narcissistic has brought me more good than bad. I’ve taught myself how to say no, how to love my self, and how to put myself first. I’m learning how to value my […]

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Will You Create A Masterpiece or Interpret Life Through the Paintings of Others?

I’ve previously talked about why you should stop wasting your free time and the importance of maintaining momentum. Tony Robins is the most popular Personal Development coach and Motivational speaker in the world. In a recent Twitter Post he stated: “Will You Create A Masterpiece or Interpret Life Through the Paintings of Others?” This reminded me of […]

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Micro-Procrastination – This is How You’re Wasting Your Time (Without Even Realizing It)

The concept of Micro-Procrastination is fairly new among millennials. We’ve heard many times that millennials have shorter attention spans. Procrastination is defined as “the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones.” As we’ve moved into a faster and more connected world, what we do now to procrastinate has evolved into […]

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Circle of Influence vs. Circle of Concern – How to Use Your Time and Energy More Effectively!

Reactive people are controlled by their feelings. If your feelings are controlling your actions, it’s because you’ve abandoned your responsibility of your own actions and empowered your own feelings to control them. Stephen Covey talks about the Circle of Influence and the Circle of Concern in his book 7 habits of Highly Effective People. This can […]

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Stop Wasting Your Free time!

“It is in the improvident use of our leisure, I suspect, that the greatest wastes of American life occur.” – Robert Park Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience is a book by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (ranking as the #1 most complicated name on Earth) that discusses how we can discover true happiness and greatly improve the […]

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