
I was born in a small middle-eastern island named Bahrain, and lived a relatively normal childhood.

It’s extremely difficult to summarize anyone’s life in a few paragraphs, but here goes:

For a very long time, I would consider myself directionless, had below average social skills, and lived in a haze. It was only when I first moved to Canada did my perception towards life start to change.

Though this didn’t happen right off the bat, I eventually started reading books, eating healthy, working out, and started cutting out valueless activities from my life and got a lot more productive.

The point of this blog is to to discuss personal development topics as I uncover them, serve as a collection of my designs as I continuously to improve my skills, as well as write about significant insights that I uncover from mass media and and my day-to-day life.

This is essentially my life’s journey in digital form.

No matter how young or old you think you are, I truly believe that you will find something of value here.

You can follow me @Marwanalshafei where I spark rainbows within people’s subconscious and make the world go round n’ round.

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