The Inconvenient Truth: Nobody Gives a Shit About You (And That’s Okay!)

For someone who promotes positive thinking, this may sound a tad cynical.

Narcissism is generally perceived as a negative characteristic, but my experience with becoming more narcissistic has brought me more good than bad.

I’ve taught myself how to say no, how to love my self, and how to put myself first. I’m learning how to value my time, and prioritize actions that push me forward towards my goal.

And by learning to do that, I’ve learned how to give value to others without wanting anything in return, how to appreciate the friends that I have, and how to disassociate myself with those who take more value than they give.


My current experience has led me to the this conclusion: people just generally don’t give a shit about you. It’s not a good or bad thing, it’s just how things are.

What about close friends? Family? Your significant other? Don’t you think they care?

Oh they do care, but to an extent.

At the end of the day, it’s still up to you to start changing, to start improving, to start doing something!

friends hanging out

No one will ever be there dragging you around until you succeed. People will help you succeed – it’s impossible to succeed without seeking and getting help – but at the end of the day…it’s on you.

If you don’t offer enough value to the people that surround you, they will cut you off at some point. Even if it’s your parents.

By cultivating a lifestyle that allows us to learn everyday, that’s when we become more capable of offering significant value to those that surround us. It is the cultivation of that lifestyle that has allowed me to develop that self-love.

If we don’t love ourselves, who will? Those people that love you are with you right now, but what if someday they’re gone?

Learn to love yourself, and fill your on cup. Because no one else will.

“The world is relatively bad to an ideal perfection that does not exist. Enjoy the world for the chaos that it is, the evolution, the movement of energy, the craziness, the ups and downs, and embrace it.” – Owen Cook

You can follow me @Marwanalshafei where I spark rainbows within people’s subconscious and make the world go round n’ round.

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